I have chosen three Google products to review in this post; Google Drive, Google Bookmarks, and Google Earth.
I will begin my review with Google Drive. Google Drive is a free, online web storage facility. The space is limited, but not all objects need to stay in the drive (Meaning you can take them out if you don't need to keep them in there). The user can upload files from his or her computer for storage, backing up files and hard drives, or transfer of files between computers, as well as creating documents specifically in Drive. A few examples of documents that can be created include simple documents, slideshow presentations, spreadsheets, and art drawings. Any files created or saved as Google files can be shared with anybody else via the "Share" button, which will give you a link to give out, or let you choose specific people. This will give them permission to view, comment on, or edit your file. I find Google Drive helpful for the purpose of transferring files, usually Minecraft mods. I mention mods because they are usually large, and it does take time for Drive to upload files. I am not just throwing in Minecraft without a reason. I highly recommend usage of this particular feature for businesses and such, because it allows for multiple people to work together on one document.

Click here to go to Google Drive-
Next, I will review the Google Bookmarks feature. Google Bookmarks is, as it sounds, an online bookmark-storage feature. You can use it to bookmark websites rather than cluttering your bookmarks bar on your browser, which can now be saved for more important things. There is also a special, downloadable feature that will add a plus to your dashboard at the top. Clicking this plus will create a new bookmark. I can compare this website to Symbaloo, except all of your bookmarks are private on Google Bookmarks. I recommend this to anybody who is tired of clutter.
Click here to go to Google Bookmarks-
Finally, I will review the Google Earth feature. This is my personal favorite, as it provides you with a complete satellite view of Earth, Moon, Mars, and the Sky. At one point you could view Saturn, but I have not used it recently enough to know if that is still true or not. Google Earth also has a street view option, as well as time and date controls, leading back to, and my memory may not be correct, about the 1960s. Google Earth has a search bar which allows you to quickly find whatever you need, as well as a special feature called "3D Buildings", which is turned off by default. When you activate 3D Buildings, select important buildings and some major cities will have their buildings raised up, or in 3-Dimmensional form. I would recommend this to everybody. It is fun, and has many useful applications.
Click here to download Google Earth-
That is all I have in store for this blog post. I hope you enjoy these features I have put under the spotlight. I will talk to you later, in my next blog post.