Monday, April 28, 2014


     Go2Web20 is a website that collects information on useful web applications, as well as providing a link to the corresponding websites. I will be reviewing two applications that I believe will widely benefit the public.

    GrammarBase is a free website that will find and point out errors in your grammar and syntax. You will be notified about your spelling errors, and what your mistakes were, in the text box. GrammarBase will also correct all of your issues in a 3, 6, or 12 hour deadline for
$15.45 per body of text. This paid feature is not necessary, and the original function mentioned before is completely free to the user. I will be using this website to correct any mistakes I may have made in this blog post.

     Webs is an application that I am very familiar with, as I have used it in the past. Webs is a free website building application, which allows you 40MB of free space, and 500MB of bandwidth per month. You must create an account to build a website. If one were to add a membership panel to the website, users (Meaning you have an account) can join this website as a member. The constructor contains multiple templates, and allows you to add things such as text, images, HTML, buttons, member features, donation areas, new tabs, and much more. A while back, I was messing around with Webs, and created a website for a group on the MMOG ROBLOX, called State Building Inc. I will post the link here so you can check out my work.

-Visit Go2Web20 here-

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